Focus on your health, not paperwork

Minimize the hassle of healthcare paperwork. Maximize your confidence in your care options.

Trusted by Patients at
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Kaiser logoStanford Medicine logoUCSF Health logo

Join others saying "no" to repetitive paperwork and "yes" to trusted support.

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Fill in forms. Get tailored research options. For free.

HIPAA gives you rights to get and use your data for your benefit. Activate those rights now so you and your family can focus on your health.

Get Second Opinions and Research Options
Consider all your care options to discuss with your care team
Save Time and Reduce Stress
Let us fill in your paperwork as you navigate insurance, health systems, and social care services.
Stay connected
Keep your loved ones informed about your health journey with personalized messages that you control

"We wish we had CaringHand from the start of this cancer journey."

Happy family

Take control of your data and health options.

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